
It is 2017. Is your business taking full advantage of the automation possibilities? Are you manually performing repetitive taks?

WorkQueue Design

What is WorkQueue design?

We pride in creating and designing processes for your business’ task. Businesses have tasks that need to assigned to, reported audited and be able to access from anywhere. An excel spreadsheet just wont do!

Are you able to answer these questions on your current processes?

  • Who is the task assigned to?
  • When it was done and by whom?
  • Can it be accessed via a browser? Can I access it from anywhere?Or do I need a shared spreadsheet?
  • Is the system secure?
  • Can I mess the system up by overwriting the file, fat fingering etc?
  • Can I get a report on the tasks? Who performed what and at what speed?
  • Security on the tasks? Am I able to see only the tasks that I am assigned to, or can I see all the tasks for the company?


Do you have any programming needs that need to be addressed? Many small and medium business owners are scared of coding because they do not understand or they believe it is too costly.

Dhima Consulting has been assisting businesses with programming of different kinds for the last 15 years.

  • VBA and Excel Programming
  • Database Design and Programming
  • Web Applications for different tools/needs
